CAA SCO And Automall Network To Help Members Make Good Car Buys
Published on, 2012-01-10
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CAA South Central Ontario (CAA SCO) and Automall Network are teaming up to help members find new and used cars quicker, easier and for less money.
As a part of a new partnership, Automall Network, a prominent auto broker who acts on behalf of consumers in their search for a new vehicle, will assist CAA SCO members find the car they are after at a discounted price.
"Automall Network's extensive reach into the automotive industry can help our members with their car buying needs," said Paul Datzkiw, Supervisor, Consumer and Technical Services, CAA SCO. "The services they can offer our members, whether they are searching for a new or used vehicle, add even more value to their CAA memberships."
In addition, when a CAA member enlists the services of the Automall Network, they save 10 per cent off the service fees paid to Automall.
"Our mission has always been to help our clients solve their vehicle buying challenges and make the process easy and hassle free" said Viraf Baliwalla, President of Automall Network. "This relationship with CAA, one of Canada's most trusted membership organizations, is a wonderful testament that our program achieves that goal".
CAA South Central Ontario is a not-for-profit auto club offering insurance, travel, automotive care and roadside services. There are more than 1.8 million CAA members in South Central Ontario and 5 million members in Canada.
Automall Network, started in 1999, is an auto broker helping consumer car buyers throughout Canada. They offer Dealer Invoice Price Reports as well as a full concierge service which sources, negotiates, buys and even imports new and used vehicles on their customers' behalf.
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